Research Using the CPS Disc Centrifuge

Around the world, researchers rely on the CPS Disc Centrifuge for accurate, high-resolution particle size analysis. The Disc Centrifuge has been used in applications ranging from nanopharmaceuticals to pigments, and much more. Here, you’ll find just a selection of published studies that have completed particle characterization with the CPS Disc Centrifuge.
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View the latest publications and patents using the CPS Disc Centrifuge
Nanoparticle Measurement
Sticky Measurement Problem: Number Concentration of Agglomerated Nanoparticles
C Minelli, et al
Correcting for a Density Distribution: Particle Size Analysis of Core–Shell Nanocomposite Particles Using Disk Centrifuge Photosedimentometry
LA Fielding, et al
Measuring the size and density of nanoparticles by centrifugal sedimentation and flotation
C Minelli, et al
“… DCS measurements were performed with CPS Disk Centrifuge instruments, Model DC24000 (CPS Instruments, Prairieville, LA, USA), in both sedimentation and flotation configurations …”
Measuring nanoparticles in the size range to 2000 nm
PJ Wyatt, et al
“… Figure 4 presents the result of separation by means of a CPS disk centrifuge of the aggregated NBS1963 100-nm diameter polystyrene latex (PSL) standard (now referred to as NIST1963). Note that the most …”
Validation of dynamic light scattering and centrifugal liquid sedimentation methods for nanoparticle characterisation
A Braun, et al
“… A first RM (PVC latex particle size RM, 585 nm, CPS Instruments Inc., Florida, US) was used for calibration … The measurements were performed on a DC20000 Disc Centrifuge™ (CPS Instruments Inc., Florida, US), following the so called line-start method …”
New method for density determination of nanoparticles using a CPS disc centrifuge™
A Neumann, et al
Simultaneous absolute determination of particle size and effective density of submicron colloids by disc centrifuge photosedimentometry
M Kamiti, et al
“… A commercial poly(vinyl chloride) latex standard with a diameter of 1.403 μm and effective density of 1.385 g/cm 3 was purchased from CPS Instruments Inc … “
A comparative study of submicron particle sizing platforms: accuracy, precision and resolution analysis of polydisperse particle size distributions
W Anderson, et al
“… The platforms compared were the qNano Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensor, Nanosight LM10 Particle Tracking Analysis System, the CPS Instruments’s UHR24000 Disc Centrifuge, and the routinely used Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS Dynamic Light Scattering system …”
Nanoparticles and metrology: a comparison of methods for the determination of particle size distributions
VA Coleman, et al
“… Differential centrifugal sedimentation measurements were conducted on a disk centrifuge (CPS Instruments, USA, model number UHR 24 000, operating software CPSV95). The instrument …”
Comparison of different characterization methods for nanoparticle dispersions before and after aerosolization
H Fissan, et al
“… Analytical disc centrifugation was performed with a CPS Instruments Disc Centrifuge DC 24000 (24 000 rpm, 28 978g). The wavelength of the laser light source was 470 nm …”
A dilute gold nanoparticle suspension as small-angle X-ray scattering standard for an absolute scale using an extended Guinier approximation
ASA Mohammed, et al
Number Concentration of Gold Nanoparticles in Suspension: SAXS and spICPMS as Traceable Methods Compared to Laboratory Methods
A Schavkan, et al
“DCS was performed using a CPS 24,000 disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments Inc., Stuart, FL, USA) equipped with an LED laser emitting light …”
Nanoparticle Synthesis
Synthesis of CuO–ZnO composite nanoparticles by electrical explosion of wires and their antibacterial activities
A. S. Lozhkomoev, et al
“Agglomerates size distribution of the nanoparticles were obtained by the sedimentation method using CPS DS24000 disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments).”
Kinetically-controlled laser-synthesis of colloidal high-entropy alloy nanoparticles
F Waag, et al
“Measurements were performed using a disc centrifuge (DC 24000, CPS instruments, Prairieville, USA) using the maximum speed of 24,000 rpm and a water-based sucrose gradient.”
Nanoscopic porous iridium/iridium dioxide superstructures (15 nm): Synthesis and thermal conversion by in‐situ transmission electron microscopy
K Pappert, et al
“Characterization: Analytical disc centrifugation (differential centrifugal
sedimentation; DCS) was performed with a CPS Instruments DC 24000 disc
centrifuge (24,000 rpm).”
Rapid Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles with Carbon Monoxide in a Microfluidic Segmented Flow System
H Huang, et al
“The resulting gold nanoparticle size was measured by Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation (DCS) (CPS 24000 Disc Centrifuge, CPS Instruments); the total number of particles counted was in the order of 1011…”
On the use of radioisotopes to study the possible synthesis by magnetron sputtering of bimetallic nanoparticles
V Bouchat, et al
“… Sizes, morphologies and dispersion of these radioactive NPs in solution were analyzed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), by CPS disk centrifuge and by using UV-Visible spectrophotometer … The different solutions were mainly analyzed by CPS disk centrifuge …”
Synthesis and characterization of mechanically activated bulky molybdenum sulphide catalysts
T Feduschak, et al
“The particle size distribution in the samples was determined using a disk centrifuge CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000 (CPS Instruments, USA) within the size range of 0.1–4 mm at a rotation speed of 2330 rpm …”
An easy synthesis of autofluorescent alloyed silver–gold nanoparticles
S Ristig, et al
“… Differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS) was performed with a CPS Instruments Disc Centrifuge DC 24000 (24 000 rpm, 28 978 g). As a density gradient, two sucrose solutions (8 wt% and 24 wt%) were used and capped with 0.5 mL dodecane as the stabilizing agent …”
Generation of metal nanoparticles in a microchannel reactor
J Wagner, et al
“… 2.2. Instrumentation. Particle sizing studies of the Au nanoparticles were performed using an analytical centrifugation system (DC 20000, CPS Instruments Inc., USA), which yields directly the particle size distribution of the liquid sample …”
Continuous supercritical hydrothermal synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticle dispersions and their characterization
MD De Tercero, et al
“… acetic acid (pa, Roth), nitric acid (pa, Roth), hydrochloric acid (\({\ge }{32\,\%} pa, Roth), sodium chloride (\({\ge }{99.5\,\%} pa, Roth), sucrose (for microbiology, Merck), PVC calibration standards in deionized water (for disc centrifuge, CPS Instruments), dodecane (gradient …”
Formation of Au/Ag Nanoparticles in a Two Step Micro Flow‐Through Process
JM Köhler, et al
“… In general, a majority of the product solutions remain stable over many months. The properties of the samples were investigated by SEM imaging and DCS (differential centrifugal sedimentation) measurements (CPS 20 000 Disc Centrifuge, CPS Instruments, USA). 2.2 Materials …”
Formation of isolated and clustered Au nanoparticles in the presence of polyelectrolyte molecules using a flow-through Si chip reactor
JM Köhler, et al
“… 100 µl of each product solution were taken for differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS) in a CPS 20000 (CPS Instruments, USA) …”
Highly magnetizable superparamagnetic colloidal aggregates with narrowed size distribution from ferrofluid emulsion
V Lobaz, et al
“… Additionally, the colloidal aggregate size distribution was measured by centrifugation in a sucrose density gradient in CPS Disc Centrifuge (CPS Instruments Europe) and compared …”
Barrierless growth of precursor-free, ultrafast laser-fragmented noble metal nanoparticles by colloidal atom clusters–A kinetic in situ study
S Jendrzej, et al
“… Sizes were measured one day after synthesis by analytical disc centrifugation (ADC, CPS instruments, DC 24000, particle detection at 405 nm) of centrifuged and not-centrifuged, laser-fragmented and laser-ablated Pt colloid particles, as shown in Fig. S3 …”
Photochemical Micro Continuous‐Flow Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles of the Platinum Group
L Hafermann, et al
“… The size distributions of nanoparticles in the obtained colloidal solutions were characterized by centrifugal sedimentation spectroscopy (DCS, DC2000, CPS Instruments Inc., Newtown, PA) and by dynamic light scattering (Zetasizer Nano ZS‐Series, Malvern Instruments Ltd …”
Synthesis of titanium dioxide: the influence of process parameters on the structural, size and photocatalytic properties
EM Bayan, et al
“… Qualitative analysis of phase state was performed by using data PDF-2 data base and PCPDFWIN software. The average particle size and total surface area of the samples were determined by sedimentation analysis in a CPS Disk Centrifuge Model DC24000 …”
Intermetallic PtPb nanoparticles prepared by pulsed laser ablation in liquid
K Hagedorn, et al
“… The particle sizes were determined primarily by using a disk centrifuge (CPS Instruments, DC24000 model) … Latex nanoparticles in ethanol (CPS Instruments, 315 nm) were used as a size calibration standard …”
Thermal Properties of Nanofluids
Thermal properties of nanofluids and their similarity criteria
VY Rudyak, et al
“… In all cases, nanoparticles had a spherical (or nearly spherical) shape. The size (diameter) distribution of nanoparticles was mea- sured directly in nanofluids with the aid of a CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000. The …”
The investigation of boiling crisis of nanofluids
A Minakov, et al
“… Measurement of conglomerates distribution in the fluid in terms of their size was carried out by means of the CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000. The particle size measurement carried out in the liquid …”
The experimental study of nanofluids boiling crisis on cylindrical heaters
AV Minakov, et al
“… The first three types of nanopowder were received from “Plazmoterm” company, while nanodiamonds were acquired from FGUP Altay. Measurement of nanoparticles distribution in the fluid in terms of their size was carried out by means of CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000 …”
Study of turbulent heat transfer of the nanofluids in a cylindrical channel
AV Minakov, et al
“… The size of the nanoparticles ranged from 10 to 100 nm. Measurement of nanoparticles distribution over size directly in a fluid was carried out by means of the DC24000 CPS Disk Centrifuge, as well as monitored by electron microscopy (Fig …”
Single platform spin-spin nuclear relaxation time (1H NMR) based technique for assessing dissolution and agglomeration of CuO nanoparticles
A Paruthi, et al
“… The temporal variation in hydrodynamic diameter of the particles was measured using Disc Centrifugal sedimentation (DCS -CPS Instruments, USA) analyser. The disc was stabilized …”
Aluminum nanoparticles oxidation by TGA/DSC
D Laboureur, et al
“… The particle size distribution of the samples was determined by differential sedimentation using a CPS disk centrifuge DC24000. The measurements of batches, AL043 and AL056, which will be used for thickness model vali- dation, are displayed in Fig …
ZnO nanocontainers: structural study and controlled release
P Leidinger, et al
“… Differential sedimentation (DS): differential sedimentation was performed with an analytical disc centrifuge from CPS Instruments with TU@ZnO@TPM redispersed in ethanol. Monodisperse polymer spheres from CPS Instruments were used as a reference …”
Conjugation of thiol-terminated molecules to ultrasmall 2 nm-gold nanoparticles leads to remarkably complex 1 H-NMR spectra
B Schuetze, et al
“… Differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS) was performed with a CPS Instruments Disc Centrifuge DC 24 000 at 24 000 rpm … The calibration standard was a poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) latex in water with a particle size of 476 nm obtained from CPS instruments …”
The effects of vacuum annealing on the structure and surface chemistry of iron nanoparticles
TB Scott, et al
“… The particles were flushed with nitrogen for 30 min and then reweighed. Particle size distribution was measured using a CPS Disc Centrifuge, Model DC24000, CPS Instruments, Inc. In order to prepare …”
Medical & Biopharmaceutical
Biomedical Imaging
Characterization and Biodistribution Analysis of Oxygen-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Used as in Vivo Fluorescence Imaging Probes
Tsukasa Takeuchi, et al
“Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) show strong fluorescence in the 1000–1700 nm second near-infrared (NIR-II) wavelength range and are considered promising candidates for angiographic imaging probes.”
Anti-biofouling conducting polymer nanoparticles as a label-free optical contrast agent for high resolution subsurface biomedical imaging
KM Au, et al
“The data were processed using the CPS Disk Centrifuge Control System (version 9.5, CPS Instruments Ltd.). The colloidal stability and antifouling properties of the PVA-stabilized PPy nanoparticles were assessed by DCP according to literature protocol”
Antibody‐functionalized nanoparticles for imaging cancer: influence of conjugation to gold nanoparticles on the biodistribution of 89Zr‐labeled cetuximab in mice
L Karmani, et al
“The mean diameter of cetuximab after coupling to gold nanoparticles was determined by CPS disk centrifuge and was estimated about 31.0 ± 10.4 nm (see supplementary figure 2 in the online Supporting Information).”
An Effective Strategy for the Synthesis of Biocompatible Gold Nanoparticles Using Cinnamon Phytochemicals for Phantom CT Imaging and Photoacoustic Detection of Cancerous Cells
N Chanda, et al
“… The absorption measurements were done using a Varian Cary 50 UV-Vis spectrophotometer and disposable cuvettes with a volume of 1 mL and a path length of 10 mm. The core size of the nanoparticles was measured on DC 24000, CPS Instruments Inc., USA …”
Antibacterial Activity
Modification of titania nanoparticles for photocatalytic antibacterial activity via a colloidal route with glycine and subsequent annealing
M Senna, et al
“Granulometrical analyses were performed for the particle size distribution with CPS Disk Centrifuge, DC24000 (CPS Instruments, Oosterhout, Netherlands), and for the nitrogen-specific surface area using the method of Bru- nauer, Emmett and Teller (BET …”
Bacterial tactic response to silver nanoparticles
JJ Ortega‐Calvo, et al
“… These zeta potential values suggested that the colloidal suspension of nanoparticles was relatively stable in the medium. Size distribution estimations obtained by CPS disk centrifuge and TEM confirmed the information provided by the manufacturer (Fig …”
Comparison of TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and the correlated inactivation of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
RJ Barnes, et al
“Particle size distribution was measured using a CPS Disc Centrifuge (Model DC24000, CPS Instruments, Inc.), operated at a speed of 18500 rpm. A sucrose gradient was injected into …”
Laser Fabrication and Fragmentation of Selenium Nanoparticles in Aqueous Media
K Ayyyzhy, et al
“The nanoparticle morphology was investigated using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The size distribution function of nanoparticles after the laser irradiation was determined apply- ing a disk centrifuge CPS Instruments 24000.”
Label-free in-flow detection of receptor recognition motifs on the biomolecular corona of nanoparticles
M Gianneli, et al
“… Differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS) analysis of NPs was performed using a CPS Disk Centrifuge DC2400. The measurements were carried out using a 2–8 …”
Using single nanoparticle tracking obtained by nanophotonic force microscopy to simultaneously characterize nanoparticle size distribution and nanoparticle–surface interactions
DR Hristov, et al
“… Size distribution by differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS). DCS was performed using a CPS Disk Centrifuge DC 24000. 10 μL of clean particles at a concentration of 10 mg mL −1 were taken and dispersed in 90 μL of water or PBS (Sigma Aldrich Prod …”
Colloidal gold: a novel nanoparticle vector for tumor directed drug delivery
GF Paciotti, et al
“… Differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS; Disc Centrifuge; CPS Instruments, Inc., Stuart, FL), measures particle size by determining the time required for the colloidal gold particles to traverse a sucrose density gradient created in a disc centrifuge …”
Quantitation of IgG protein adsorption to gold nanoparticles using particle size measurement
NC Bell, et al
“… Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation (DCS). A CPS 20000 (CPS Instruments Inc., Stuart, Florida) instrument, calibrated using 377 nm PVC particles of density 1.385 g cm −3 provided by the manufacturer, was used to carry out the DCS measurements …”
The effect of prolonged storage at different temperatures on the particle size distribution of tripolyphosphate (TPP)–chitosan nanoparticles
GA Morris, et al
“… 2.3. Particle size measurement. Particle size distributions were determined using a DC-18000 Disc Centrifuge (CPS Instruments, Oosterhout, The Netherlands). In order to eliminate sedimentation instability a density gradient is employed (Laidlaw & Steinmetz, 2005) …”
Transferrin-functionalized nanoparticles lose their targeting capabilities when a biomolecule corona adsorbs on the surface
A Salvati, et al
“… Size measurements were averaged results from 3 × 11 runs at 25 8C. Zeta potential experiments were averaged from two runs of between 10 and 100 scans at 25 8C. DCS experiments were performed with a CPS Disc Centrifuge DC24000 (CPS Instruments) …”
Experimental determination of the diffusion boundary layer width of micron and submicron particles
C Galli, et al
“… The particle size distribution and surface area of the suspensions were determined by differential centrifugal sedimentation (CPS Instruments, Inc; DC18000 …”
Low uptake of silica nanoparticles in Caco-2 intestinal epithelial barriers
D Ye, et al
“… The 150 nm particles were also measured in water. Further characterisation was performed using differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS) on a CPS Disk Centrifuge DC 24,000. A disc speed of …”
Analysis of complexes formed by small gold nanoparticles in low concentration in cell culture media
S Gunnarsson, et al
“DCS was performed using DC24000 disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments, USA) in a linear 8–24% sucrose gradient with a speed of 24,000 RPM. The instrument was set up to continue collecting data until Au NPs of 10 nm diameters reached the detector.”
Effects of SiC nanoparticles orally administered in a rat model: biodistribution, toxicity and elemental composition changes in feces and organs
O Lozano, et al
“… A droplet (10 μl, concentration: 1 mg·ml − 1 ) was left to dry on a copper grid covered with formvar. Particle size distributions (PSD) (in number and weight) were measured with a disk centrifuge DC24000 system (CPS instruments Inc., USA) …”
Impact of storage conditions and storage time on silver nanoparticles’ physicochemical properties and implications for their biological effects
E Izak-Nau, et al
“… DCS measurements were performed on CPS Disc Centrifuge DC24000 (CPS Instruments Europe, Oosterhout, The Netherlands). Analysis of silver ions. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry …”
Aneuploidogenic effects and DNA oxidation induced in vitro by differently sized gold nanoparticles
S Di Bucchianico, et al
“… To assess if NPs aggregate, their size distribution in the as-synthesized state and following dispersion in complete culture medium (9.85 μg/mL) was measured using the DC24000UHR centrifuge (CPS Instruments, Oosterhout, the Netherlands) …”
Negatively charged silver nanoparticles with potent antibacterial activity and reduced toxicity for pharmaceutical preparations
L Salvioni, et al
“… Before measurement, all samples were diluted three times in 1 mM SC and in 0.3 mM PB, pH 7.2. Differential centrifuge sedimentation analysis. Particle size distribution was measured using a CPS disc centrifuge DC24000 (CPS Instruments Inc.) …”
The cytotoxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles with different modifications evaluated in vitro
V Zavisova, et al
“… The DC24000 UHR disk centrifuge (CPS Instruments, Inc.) was used to perform sedimentation based size distribution measurements. Magnetic properties of the prepared samples were …”
Simple in vitro models can predict pulmonary toxicity of silver nanoparticles
HM Braakhuis, et al
“… The CPS measurements were performed using a CPS Disc Centrifuge Model DC 24000 (CPS Instruments, Inc., Stuart, FL) … Data collection and analysis were performed using the CPS Disc Centrifuge DC Control System V11 software (CPS Instruments Inc., Stuart, FL) …”
Impact of lung surfactant on wettability and cytotoxicity of nanoparticles
M Ratoi, et al
“… The hydrodynamic size distributions of the NP dispersions were measured with the Malvern Zetasizer and CPS Disc Centrifuge (CPS Disc Centrifuge Model DC24000, CPS Instruments, Europe) which are Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) techniques …”
Development of a PIXE analysis method for the determination of the biopersistence of SiC and TiC nanoparticles in rat lungs
O Lozano, et al
“… Sample images are shown in Figure 1a and 1b, showing that on average the SiC and TiC NPs are 25 and 15 nm in diameter, respectively. Particle number and weight distributions were measured with a disk centrifuge DC24000 system (CPS instruments Inc., USA) …”
Effects of the dispersion methods in Pluronic F108 on the size and the surface composition of MWCNTs and their implications in toxicology assessment
J Mejia, et al
“… Particle size distribution (PSD) of the dispersed MWCNTs was measured with a disc centrifuge CPS 24.000 (CPS instruments Inc., USA). The disc centrifuge measure is based on centrifugal liquid sedimentation (CLS) according to Stokes’ law (Merkus 2009) …”
Protein corona acts as a protective shield against Fe3O4-PEG inflammation and ROS-induced toxicity in human macrophages
V Escamilla-Rivera, et al
“… Hydrodynamic size distributions were measured by Centrifugal Liquid Sedimentation (CLS) in a DC 24000 system (CPS instruments Inc.) using a certified PVC suspension for calibration. The endotoxin …”
Use of flow cytometry for characterization of human cytomegalovirus vaccine particles
J Vlasak, et al
“… The Disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments, Prairieville, LA) was operated at maximum speed (24,000 rpm) … PVC standard beads (CPS Instruments, Prairieville, LA), 377 nm in diameter, were used to calibrate the instrument …”
Stabilizing formulations for inhalable powders of an adenovirus 35-vectored tuberculosis (TB) vaccine (AERAS-402)
TH Jin, et al
“… CPS Disc centrifuge. The size of AERAS-402 vaccine virus was measured by CPS Disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments, Inc., Stuart, FL). Sucrose (8% and 24%) in sample buffer was used for gradient solutions. CPSV95 …
Cancer Treatment
Role of nanoparticle size and sialic acids in the distinct time-evolution profiles of nanoparticle uptake in hematopoietic progenitor cells and monocytes
B Wathiong, et al
“The NP batches were characterized for NP size by means of nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) using an NS500 instrument (NanoSight Ltd, Wiltshire, UK) and, by differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS) using a disc centrifuge DC24000 (CPS Instruments, Prairieville, LA, USA).”
Incorporation of ophiobolin a into novel chemoembolization particles for cancer cell treatment
R Morrison, et al
“… The hydrodynamic size distribution was measured using a Disc Centrifuge (DC 18000; CPS instruments) … calculated. Samples were calibrated against particles of a known diameter (Polyvinyl chloride, 0.377 μm, CPS instruments) …”
In vivo demonstration of enhanced radiotherapy using rare earth doped titania nanoparticles
HE Townley, et al
“… Silica-coated particles were sonicated in water and passed through a 0.2 micrometre cellulose-acetate filter. Size distribution was analyzed using a CPS disc centrifuge (Model DC24000; CPS Instruments Inc., Oosterhout, The Netherlands) …”
Nanoparticle augmented radiation treatment decreases cancer cell proliferation
HE Townley, et al
“… Silica-coated particles were sonicated in water and passed through a 0.2 micrometer cellulose-acetate filter. Size distribution was analyzed using a CPS Disc Centrifuge, Model DC24000 (CPS Instruments, Inc, Oosterhout, The Netherlands) …”
Targeting integrins with RGD-conjugated gold nanoparticles in radiotherapy decreases the invasive activity of breast cancer cells
P Wu, et al
“… The size distribution of unconjugated AuNPs was analyzed by the method of differential centrifugal sedimentation using CPS Disc Centrifuge instrument (model DC24000 UHR; CPS Instruments Inc., Prairieville, LA, USA) …”
Impact of silver nanoparticles on haemolysis, platelet function and coagulation
J Laloy, et al
“Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are increasingly used in biomedical applications because of their large antimicrobial spectrum. Data in the literature on the abil…”
Penetration study of formulated nanosized titanium dioxide in models of damaged and sun‐irradiated skins
C Miquel‐Jeanjean, et al
“… needle‐shaped nano‐objects in the size range 20–100 nm and 100–200 nm for about 60% and 36% of their number size distribution, respectively, as determined by the supplier using CPS disc centrifuge (model DC24000; CPS Instruments, Netherlands; 8000 …”
Magnetic poly (D, L-lactide) nanoparticles loaded with aliskiren: A promising tool for hypertension treatment
I Antal, et al
“… The DC24000 UHR disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments, Inc.) was used as a complementary technique to obtain weight-averaged particle size distributions. Particle size was also measured in triplicates using NanoSight NS500 device (Malvern Instruments Ltd., UK) …”
Characterization of IgG‐protein‐coated polymeric nanoparticles using complementary particle sizing techniques
C Minelli, et al
“… DCS measurements were performed with a CPS 20000 instrument (CPS Instruments Inc., Prairieville (LA)), using sucrose gradient with average density ρ f = 1.013 g cm −3 , disc angular frequency 2×10 4 rpm, injection volume of 100 µl and 223 nm poly(vinyl chloride …”
A green approach for the reduction of graphene oxide nanosheets using non-aromatic amino acids
DNH Tran, et al
“… Particle size distribution (PSD) of dispersions was measured by CPS Disc Centrifuge (Model DC24000 UHR, CPS Instruments, USA), which was established from the sedimentation time of the particles injected into the center of an optically clear spinning disc …”
Peptide-assembled optically responsive nanoparticle complexes
JM Slocik, et al
“The assembled NS−NS structures were characterized using a CPS disk centrifuge particle size analyzer DC240000 and using a Phillips CM200 transmission electron microscope (TEM) (Figure 1). Free-peptide-functionalized Au nanoshells showed a bimodal size distribution …”
Photoactivated biotemplated nanoparticles as an enzyme mimic
JM Slocik, et al
“… When assembled, the CdS–Pt nanoparticle complex was found to have a diameter of 13 nm by TEM, and 15 nm by sedimentation on a CPS disk centrifuge particle‐size analyzer …”
Gold‐silver and silver‐silver nanoparticle constructs based on DNA hybridization of thiol‐and amino‐functionalized oligonucleotides
A Steinbrück, et al
“… Differential Centrifugal Sedimentation (DCS) In addition to TEM measurements, the method of differential centrifugal sedimentation was utilized for the determination of particle sizes using the CPS 20000 (CPS Instruments Inc., USA) …”
Environmental Studies
Extracting of fullerene-like nanoparticles from environmental soots
VE Burlakova, et al
“… The obtained toluene extracts were characterized by sedimentation analysis (CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000), UV–visi- ble spectroscopy (PE 5400 UV) in the range of 300–800 nm using a quarts cell. For further research, evaporation of the solvent toluene was carried out …”
Simulation of physical processes in devices with non-magnetic, milk-dispersed secondary part
M Minkin, et al
“… the experimental research, the equipment of the Interdepartmental Resource Center for Collective Use (DMSTU) of the DSTU is included in the federal list of the Central Control Center of the Russian Federation, in particular, the centrifuge (CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000) for …”
Size-and concentration-dependent deposition of fluorescent silica colloids in saturated sand columns: transport experiments and modeling
E Vitorge, et al
“… concentration of colloids was evaluated by weighing triplicates of 1 mL samples of colloidal suspensions before and after oven drying (80 °C during 48 h). Colloid density (ρ p ) was measured by differential sedimentation in a CPS disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments Europe) and …”
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles modulate the toxicological response to cadmium in the gills of Mytilus galloprovincialis
C Della Torre, et al
“Time-dependent size distributions was investigated through differential centrifuge sedimentation (DCS) with a CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000 using an 8–24% sucrose gradient. The experiment was repeated …”
The impact of size on the fate and toxicity of nanoparticulate silver in aquatic systems
BM Angel, et al
“… Particle size was also measured immediately after addition to the media using differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS 24 000UHR, CPS Instruments, USA) to produce an absorption intensity curve as a function of time, and conversion of time to an equivalent spherical …”
Uptake, retention and internalization of quantum dots in Daphnia is influenced by particle surface functionalization
A Feswick, et al
“… Particle characterization. The particle size of the QDs was confirmed using TEM. The particle size distribution of the QDs was measured by sedimentation using a CPS Disc Centrifuge (Model DC24000, CPS Instruments, Inc.) …”
Comparative toxicity of copper nanoparticles across three Lemnaceae species
L Song, et al
“… The initial size distribution of the CuNPs in Milli-Q water (1 mg/L, 0 h) was measured immediately after sonication by using a CPS disk centrifugation (CPS Instruments Europe., The Netherlands), operating at a speed of 14 092 rpm …”
Assessing toxicity of copper nanoparticles across five cladoceran species
L Song, et al
“… Physicochemical characterization Initial sizes of all 5 particles were analyzed at 100 mg/L in MilliQ water using disk centrifugation (CPS Instruments). The morphology of all CuNPs in standard …”
Potential environmental influence of amino acids on the behavior of ZnO nanoparticles
R Molina, et al
“… Size distribution of nanoparticles was measured using a CPS Disc Centrifuge (Model DC24000, CPS Instruments, Inc.), operated at a speed of 24 000 rpm (maximum g-force >25 000) as suggested by the manufacturer’s instructions for better accuracy …”
A method for assessing nanomaterial dispersion quality based on principal component analysis of particle size distribution data
R Tantra, et al
“… The DCS technique was used to characterize particle diameter/size distribution of dispersions. DCS particle size was measured using a CPS Disc Centrifuge Model DC 20000 instrument (CPS Instruments Inc., USA) …”
An assessment of the fate, behaviour and environmental risk associated with sunscreen TiO2 nanoparticles in UK field scenarios
AC Johnson, et al
“… Particle size distribution was measured using a CPS Disc Centrifuge (Model DC24000, CPS Instruments, Inc.), operated at a speed of 18,500 rpm. A sucrose gradient was injected …”
Stabilization of iron (micro) particles with polyhydroxybutyrate for in situ remediation applications
L Chronopoulou, et al
“… Disc Centrifuge Analysis. The centrifugal particle sedimentation technique (CPS Disc Centrifuge, DC24000UHR, CPS Instruments Inc., Prairieville, LA, USA) was used for particle size distribution analysis …”
Creation and application of fluoropolymer photoconversion films for greenhouses: Concept.
S Gudkov, et al
“The size of the nanoparticles was determined using an analytical centrifuge DC24000 (CPS Instruments).”
Multi-scale characterization of precipitated silica
M Meier, et al
“An optical disc centrifuge (AUC) DC24000 (co. CPS Instruments, USA) was used to determine the aggregate size und the size distribution. The average centrifugal acceleration was 1720 g at 5850 rpm …”
Properties of WC-6Co hard alloy powders obtained by the method of spark plasma dispersion
SP Zhuravkov, et al
“… Particle size distribution was determined using CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000 (CPS Instruments, United States) in working fluid of ethanol. CPS centrifuge is a fast and sensitive method for analysis of particle size of colloidal solutions …”
Nanostructure of wet-chemically prepared, polymer-stabilized silver–gold nanoalloys (6 nm) over the entire composition range
S Ristig, et al
“… Differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS) was performed using a CPS Instruments Disc Centrifuge DC 24 000 at 24 000 rpm … The calibration standard was a poly(vinylchloride) (PVC) latex in water with a particle size of 476 nm provided by CPS instruments …”
Interlaboratory comparison for the measurement of particle size and zeta potential of silica nanoparticles in an aqueous suspension
A Lamberty, et al
“… at IRMM by DLS according to ISO 22412 (ISO 2008a) using a Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern Instruments Ltd, UK) and a LB 550 (Horiba, JP) and by CLS according to the ISO standard method ISO 13318-1 (ISO 2001) using a DC20000 Disc Centrifuge ™ (CPS Instruments, US) …”
Templated assembly of polymer particles into mesoscopic clusters with well-defined configurations
CS Wagner, et al
“… Differential centrifugal sedimentation. The content of the clusters of the same number of constituents was determined by DCS using a disk centrifuge (CPS Instruments CPS-24000). A detailed description of this analytical technique is given in Ref. [35] …”
Effect of water soluble polymer additives on the phase composition and size of zirconia particles during precipitation from salt solutions
VN Antsiferov, et al
“… Average size, particle size distribution and powder particles polydispersity index were studied using a particle size analyzer DC 24000 (CPS Instruments). Phase Effect of Water Soluble Polymer Additives on the Phase Composition and Size of Zirconia Particles …”
Preparation of Pickering emulsions and colloidosomes using either a glycerol-functionalised silica sol or core–shell polymer/silica nanocomposite particles
LA Fielding, et al
“… A CPS Instruments model DC24000 instrument was used to obtain weight-average particle size distributions of the nanocomposite particles. The disc centrifuge was operated …”
Development of the Energy-Saving Air Regeneration System in Production Rooms
MS Minkin, et al
“… When carrying out pilot studies the equipment of the Intercathedral Resource Center of Collective Use (IRCCU) of DonSTU is involved (it is included in the federal list of CCU Russian Federation, in particular – the centrifuge (CPS Disk Centrifuge DC24000) for implementation of …”
Advances in the characterization of particle size distributions of abrasive particles used in CMP
M Kamiti, et al
“… A monodisperse suspension of polyvinyl chloride latex particles with a weight-average, mean diameter of 460 nm (CPS Instruments Inc.) was employed as a calibrant for the disc centrifuge. Sucrose was …”
Characterization of water-based paints containing titanium dioxide or carbon black as manufactured nanomaterials before and after atomization
O Fichera, et al
“… The particle size distribution (PSD) of raw MNMs and paint materials was measured with a Disc Centrifuge CPS 24,000 (CPS Instruments Inc.,
USA) working at 22,000 rpm.”
Hydrothermal synthesis of a concentrated and stable dispersion of TiO2 nanoparticles
B Souvereyns, et al
“… Study of the particle size, particle size distribution and crystal phase of the particles in dispersion. Particle size distribution is measured on a CPS disk centrifuge. With this instrument the sedimentation …”
Nanoscale β-Sn1− nWO4· nα-Sn—A highly efficient photocatalyst for daylight-driven degradation of organic dyes and its real “green” synthesis
J Ungelenk, et al
“… To this purpose, aqueous suspensions were titrated from neutral to alkaline and acidic pH by addition of NaOH and HCl, respectively. Differential sedimentation (DS) was performed with a CPS Disc Centrifuge of CPS Instruments …”
Development of self-curable hybrid pigment inks by miniemulsion polymerization for inkjet printing of cotton fabrics
M Elgammal, et al
“… Disc centrifuge (DC) measurements were done with a DC24000 instrument (CPS Instruments Inc.). The experiment is based on differential sedimentation according to …”
Hydrogen generation by laser irradiation of colloids of iron and beryllium in water
IA Sukhov, et al
“… To minimise the repeated effect of laser radiation on the particles formed, the exposure time was chosen to be no longer than 2 min [7]. The size distributions of the particle mass and number of particles were measured using a CPS disk centrifuge …”
Synthesis and characterization of fluorinated anatase nanoparticles and subsequent N-doping for efficient visible light activated photocatalysis
I Milošević, et al
“… Granulometric analyses were performed for the particle size distribution (PSD) by centrifugal sendimentation with a CPS Disk Centrifuge (DC24000, CPS Instruments, Oosterhout, Netherlands) or with a Mastersizer S (Malvern Instruments Ltd., Worcestershire, UK) …”
Template-free aqueous tape casting of hydrothermally synthesized barium titanate powder and the fabrication of highly {001}-{100} textured tapes
M Özen, et al
“…Powder particle-size distributions were analyzed with a CPS Disk Centrifuge equipment. The viscosity was determined with a Rheometer Haake MARS (Modular Advanced Rheometer System) equipment. The rheology …”
Optimization of Microstructure of Pt/C Catalysts for PEMFC
AA Alekseenko, et al
“… Materials have been investigated by the following methods: X-ray powder diffraction (ARL X’TRA diffractometer), sedimentation analysis (CPS Disk Centrifuge Model DC24000), Thermogravimetry and Differential Thermal Analysis (thermal analyzer STA 449⁰S/4 G Jupiter …”
Effect of fluid–particle-interactions on dispersing nano-particles in epoxy resins using stirred-media-mills and three-roll-mills
C Schilde, et al
“… As indication of the dispersing result the particle size distributions at different dispersing times were measured via dynamic light scattering (Nanophox, Sympate GmbH) or rotating disc centrifuge (CPS, cps instruments) …”
Quantification of nanoparticles in aqueous food matrices using particle-induced X-ray emission
O Lozano, et al
“… The PSD of each NP dispersion was evaluated in number- and weight-related distributions. These were measured with a disc centrifuge DC24000 system (CPS instruments Inc., USA). This measurement is … “
Hydrogen emission under laser exposure of colloidal solutions of nanoparticles
EV Barmina, et al
… “Laser beam was scanned across the sample surface at the speed of 1000 mm/s by means of galvo mirror system. Size distribution of obtained NPs was analyzed with Measuring Disc Centrifuge (CPS Instruments). Initial …”
Influence of particle size distribution on micromechanical properties of thin nanoparticulate coatings
N Barth, et al
“… From the return flow, samples were taken to analyse particle size distribution and rheological behaviour. Sedimentation in a centrifugal field using a disc centrifuge (CPS Instruments ®, USA) was employed to determine the particle size distribution …”
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